
Monday, August 9, 2021

Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Sweet sea. I walk to the sand, feel that twinkle on my toes. The nice sweet air going past. The sign on the sea. Nice feeling in your toes from the sea. That nice sun shine on your back.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

 35 days making a Potion. There was a man who was very very old. he saw a girl who was very sick. He saw her at the Hospital.

He decided to make a potion for her. She needed flowers and roses in the Sprinkle of a rainbow. The last ingredient that he needed A little girl's Teardrop.Talking 35 days to finish after the potion took him 40 hours for the last day to be finished. The potion was finished Titan to go back to the hospital The man went to the hospital. He gave her the potion to Zips only He said. After that, he decided to go home by himself. One day he died his Grandchildren His daughter. Came to the funeral. She was begging him to come back She said it more Than 1000 times. His whole body of spirit went up to the ear ING lady went up to heaven. his Doragr and Granville children. Wentworth house Has it been clean for ages the daughter said it smells funky in here She Said. Dinner cleans the house stuff in this decision to stay there forever. The end.

                                                By manaia. Oh, also I got my hair done.

Monday, March 15, 2021


 The movie I like is -

We bear bears. It is my favorite.

And I always watch it.

acrostic poem

 Manaia is awesome ,obviously.

Always  and forever cool.

Nice to some people.

A loving and good person.

is a great artist.

Amazingly smart all the time.

five sense poem

 Being annoyed by my siblings. 

Being annoyed feels like an ugly cat.

Being annoying sounds like a squegging toy.

Being annoyed looks like a  bully.

But being alone is even worse.